Community Living Camp DAY 5 💫

The last day of the five-day community living camp “Chiranthana”. At 6:30 AM, “Day-5” of the camp started with the ‘Aerobics’ under the guidance of Ms. Jithi J.G. (Physical Instructor at CET). As it was the last day of the camp, the students have actively participated and enjoyed the whole session. The session was ended with giving Vote of thanks to Ms. Jithi J.G. for the five days Aerobics session. The vote of thanks is given by Mrs. Chinju S. Nair (Hindi). After the Aerobics, the students were instructed to clean their respective allotted rooms. The students were instructed to assemble in the hall at 9:30 A.M.

At 9:30 A.M., the Camp news session was conducted. The session was taken by the Resource Person, Mr. Harikrishnan (Motivator, Upcycling Trainer and Natural Lover). The session was conducted by presenting models of many recycled products which have been prepared by the waste materials. The resource person has shown many models like Bottle cap pen drive holder, Reusable book, Coconut shell models, Reusable light lamp etc. The whole session was interesting by providing the innovative ideas for the students how to reuse the materials in their own surroundings. The session was relevant as the theme of the camp is “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”. The session came to an end at 11:30 A.M. 

After the first session, the “Valedictory session” was conducted. The session was started with a prayer by Ms. Parvathy S. (Malayalam) and hosted by Ms. Ashly L. Paul (English). The session started with the welcome speech given by Dr. Anju L. (Associate Professor, GCTE, Thycaud). The teachers, students and staff present during the session was welcomed. It was followed by Presidential Address given by Dr. V.K. Santhosh Kumar (Vice-Principal, GCTE, Thycaud). He congratulated the students for completing the five-day community living camp successfully and praised their hard work. After the presidential address, the students shared their experience of the five-day community living camp. It was followed by the felicitation which was given by Dr. Jayakrishna (Assistant Professor, GCTE, Thycaud). During the session, the staff of the “Grameena Padana Kendram” was given gifts for their excellent service during the five-day community living camp. At the end, the student representative Mr. Amal Muhammed K. (Commerce) have handover the amount obtained from the sale of Lotion and Hand wash to Dr. V.K. Santhosh Kumar (Vice Principal, GCTE, Thycaud) for the college fund. The session came to an end by 1 P.M. After the lunch, the students departed to their respective houses. 

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