Teaching practice phase 2 : Day 4πŸ‘©‍🏫

As usual we reached school by 9:15 am. Today there only classes till afternoon due to public exam.
After the prayer and pledge, ashly and i collected substitution hours details from HM. Then, each of us chooses substitution classes that are convenient for us. I choose 8H (3rd period). 
Today, i meet my 2nd alloting teacher, Padmaja tr, maths teacher of 9I. Teacher provided the portions and instructions to do while teaching in class.
Then, At the 3rd period, I went to 8H. But class teacher of the class was there. So i went my friend's substitution class to help her. That was 8J. There we played 'finding words'. We split the class into two groups and played. But the game became serious between 2 groups. Atlast, We make them shake hands with two group members and tell them it's just a game.
After that,we had a boost from school canteen.By that time,it was 12 30 pm.We left the school after that.

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