Teaching practice phase 2 : Day 8πŸ‘©‍🏫

As usual, we reached school by 9 am. After the class prayer and pledge, i got substitution in 8H. Also i have 2nd period in the same class. I started new topic 'the properties of parallelogram'. I taught 2 properties and their proofs. But can't pay attention to this much time. So they told to gave a break. So i didnt took today lesson plan. Then i make them remembered about testpaper on wednesday till the portion o on side and two angles.
As part of international yoga day, NCC cadets of school organised yoga day celebration. Dr haritha, chief guest practicing yoga to them.

In the 3rd period, i went to 9I. Today i could able to taught only one problem related to two equations.  It was a difficult one. So, i took more time to make them understand. My 9th std allotted teacher also came to the class to observe my class. After the class she pointed some of my shortcomings. 
After the lunch, i did my pending working. At 3:25 pm, we gone for line duty and left the school after signed.

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