Teaching practice phase 2 : Day 1πŸ‘©‍🏫

For the 2nd phase of school internship prgramme, i opted Govt HSS for girls, cotton hill , vazhuthacaud. 

We reached the school by 9 am. Firstly ,We met the school HM and discussed about allowed teacher. Then, we assign 2 leaders from 15 of us. Ashly and I were selected as leaders. We were allowed to teach from 18 th onwards. After the morning prayer and pledge, we moved to allowed seats and engaged in their own works.

After the lunch, we went to meet the allowed teachers and discuss about the portions. I got to 8H and 9I. I saw Alex sir ( 8H ) and he gave me the time table and portions. Other teacher was absent. After the national anthem, we signed and left the school.


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