Teaching practice phase 2 : Day 11πŸ‘©‍🏫

           "SAY NO TO DRUGS"
We reached school at 9:15 am. After signed attendance register, we went our rest place. 
As part of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, NCC & NSS of school conducted programs by making posters, Anti-drugs awareness rallies, etc

Padmaja teacher  assigned me to teach mathematics in 9G until the 9G's mathematics teacher returned from leave. She gave timetable. 
Because of throat infection, which made taking this classes very stressful. 
So, today i have to take 4 classes as per my new timetable. 
In the 2nd and 3rd, i have class on the 8H. There i conducted unit test in the 2nd period and taught the balance problems of one side and two angles in the 3rd period.
Then in the 4th period, i went to my new class 9G. After introducing myself, i taught the problem related to two equations. The class was somewhat noisy. But can able to manage. 
After the lunch, i did my works. In the last period i went 9I. There i taught one problem related to find 3 angles of right triangle. 
After national anthem,  we left the school.
My health condition worsened after the class.

         'It was a hectic day for me'

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