Teaching practice phase 2 : Day 13πŸ‘©‍🏫

Just like everyday, we reached school at : 15 am. In the second period, I went 2H and taught types of triangles using ict. Then started the property of isosceles triangles. In the 3rd period, i went to 9I. Before i left to teach, a funny thing happen there. the power goes out in that building when i connected projector. I was little scared. Then i inform 9I's class teacher. The power supply came back on at the end of the class.
In 9I, I taught balance exercise problems. Today the class was quite silent. So that I can able to finish intended portion. At the end of the period, i gave corrected answer sheets.
In the afternoon break, rakendu and i went to college to sign the lesson plans.
Then at the sixth period I went 9G and taught problem related to two equations. There also I can able to finish the three questions.
So today I am very happy as i was able to teach and manage the class as I intended.

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