Teaching practice phase 2 : Day 6πŸ‘©‍🏫

 We reached school at 9:15am. Today I have classes on the second and the third period in 8H. 

I taught one problem related one side and two angles. I feel so strained to explain problem to make them understand.then at the last hour, i went to 9I. I taught problems related to 'Two Equations'. There i feel very bad. They were using make ups in my class time. I gave so many warning, atlast i shouted to suppress them. Then i taught the problem with involvement of students. 
After that i went to see my alloted teacher of 9th, She adviced me to speed the portions.
After that i left the school.
After the school, rakendu and i went to our college for showing and correcting my lesson plan with our mathematics teacher Sreeja Ma'am.

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